Rossi Updates eCat Testing

Andrea Rossi released a flurry of tantalizing messages last week, reporting a third party independent test of the eCat has concluded and the results will be available by the “middle of April.”

“I met with the 11 professors and experts that made the tests and they were very positive. One of them told me, “We got evidence that the “effect” is real beyond any reasonable doubt.’ …All the professors said the test is gone well, very well….The effect is stunning, we saw in our private tests, and has been replicated by the third independent party.”

Rossi also reported that the industrial 1 megawatt eCat acquired by an unidentified military customer has been available for 90% of the time, or about 8000 hours, with a COP of 6.  Rossi reports the home eCat is “years away,” supposedly due to consumer testing and certification requirements.

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