President Hints at LENR?

In his State of the Union Speech, President Obama may be hinting that the U.S. is committing itself to LENR.  Will Ecats power the White House someday?

“We can also spur energy innovation with new incentives. The differences in this chamber may be too deep right now to pass a comprehensive plan to fight climate change. But there’s no reason why Congress shouldn’t at least set a clean energy standard that creates a market for innovation. So far, you haven’t acted. Well tonight, I will. I’m directing my Administration to allow the development of clean energy on enough public land to power three million homes. And I’m proud to announce that the Department of Defense, the world’s largest consumer of energy, will make one of the largest commitments to clean energy in history – with the Navy purchasing enough capacity to power a quarter of a million homes a year.

NASA Scientist Clarifies Video

NASA scientist, Joe Zawodny, has made clarifications on NASA’s recently released video on LENR.

There have been many attempts to twist the release of this video into NASA’s support for LENR or as proof that Rossi’s e-cat really works. Many extraordinary claims have been made in 2010. In my scientific opinion, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I find a distinct absence of the latter. So let me be very clear here. While I personally find sufficient demonstration that LENR effects warrant further investigation, I remain skeptical. Furthermore, I am unaware of any clear and convincing demonstrations of any viable commercial device producing useful amounts of net energy.


This short video from NASA and Dr. Joseph Zawodny, Senior Research Scientist, states that the new type of nuclear reactions ‘has the demonstrated ability to produce excess amounts of energy, cleanly, without hazardous ionizing radiation, without producing nasty waste’.
Some call it cold fusion, some call it LENR, NASA calls it a Method for Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Polaritons to Initiate and Sustain LENR.

LENR in 2012

As 2011 comes to a close, the debate continues over the feasibility of cold fusion, or as it is now commonly being referred, a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction.  Is Andrea Rossi an engineering genius, or simply a hoaxter?  Will commercial applications of the Rossi Ecat be made available and will other “copycats” or competitive reactors reach the market too?  Will the current LENR buzz lead to more research and credible support from the scientific community?  Will fossil fuels be relegated to fossil (irrelevant) fuels?
Time will tell, but the following articles are all betting 2012 may be the beginning of an energy revolution.
Forbes: 2012: The Year of Cold Fusion?
One More Competition (sic) For E-Cat Fusion
Rossi’s E-Cat Cold Fusion Dominates 2011