Last week, NASA, under the pressure of an FOIA request, released the power point slides from an internal presentation in which three of its senior scientists discussed the nature of LENR and its impacts on space and air travel.  NASA has been funding LENR research in the U.S. and has had continuing discussions with Andrea Rossi and other scientists working in the field for many years.
View NASA Slides Here
NASA’s Joseph Zawodny concludes that LENR is indeed a form of nuclear power, but not what is commonly thought of as “cold fusion.” Zawodny believes that the transformation of one element into another is consistent with neutron absorption as other scientists claim. He goes on to point out that under one theory of what is happening, decay products of the reaction are turned into heat and gamma rays are screened out. In comparing the energy output of LENR to fission, conventional fusion, and chemical reactions, Zawodny notes that LENR is theoretically capable of producing 8 million times as much energy as a comparable chemical reaction. This of course explains why a very slow reaction can produce excess heat while consuming only minimal amounts of hydrogen and nickel.
From The Peak Oil Crisis: E=mc2

Low Energy Nuclear Revolution

By all accounts we could be right on the verge of a pivotal moment in mankind where all of our energy needs will be satisfied by a new, clean, inexpensive and almost limitless source.  More than one scientific camp is vying for history and a Noble Prize, including the enigmatic (or Edisonian) Andrea Rossi, whose Ecat reactor appears to produce excess heat from a low energy nuclear reaction (LENR).
The following link sums up the race for rewriting our energy history:

As the technology sits today The Rossi E-Cat is in production facility exploration. Blacklight is making presales, The Australian hint of a technology is said to be nearing a prototype. Many others are closing in on solidifying their ideas into consistency and reliable energy release. It’s a seminal period that looks to be far past the notion LENR is mental magic.

Strap in folks, an energy revolution is upon us.

Low Energy Nuclear Reaction

Andrea Rossi’s recent developments with his Ecat reactor has cast a new light on LENR (low energy nuclear reaction) research.  Often synonymous with “Cold Fusion,” widespread scientific and mainstream attention began with the assertions of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, whom posited that  previously unknown kinds of nuclear reactions and excess heat of a large magnitude could be observed in certain electrochemical cells.
With these principles in mind, Melvin Miles and colleagues were among the first researchers to observe the temporally correlated production of helium and heat during LENR electrolytic experiments.  Miles’ work was groundbreaking in that it showed that the heat was related to some sort of nuclear effect.
Dr. Randell Mills and others reported significant excess heat from ordinary water cells with nickel electrodes, an energy which they deemed to be coming not from nuclear reactions, but from a new form of catalyzed shrinkage reaction via a remodeled form of the hydrogen atom, dubbed “hydrinos.”  Mills has gone on to try and distance himself from the Cold Fusion moniker to write his own model of quantum mechanics and start commercial production of his own energy source.
What is the correlation between nickel and hydrogen atoms that strongly hints at a low level nuclear reaction can occur with the proper catalysts?  Time will tell as a world dominated by massive fossil fuel consumption looks for new sources of renewable energy.
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