17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

This year’s 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-17) will be held in Daejeon, South Korea on August 12-17. Some of the plenary and invited speakers listed on their site are names familiar to many who are following LENR developments, such as Frank Gordon (SPAWAR, ret.), Peter Hagelstein (MIT), Michael McKubre (SRI International), George Miley (Univ. of Illinois), Francesco Celani (Frascati National Laboratory, ITALY) and David Nagel (George Washington University).
In addition, while not listed on the ICCF-17 web site, Infinite Energy magazine is reporting that Defkalion Green Technolgies and Brillioun Energy will be making presentations at the conference. IE’s web site reports, ‘Representatives from Defkalion will make two presentations: A technical presentation entitled “Technical Characteristics & Performance of the Defkalion Hyperion Model 0 Module” and a general presentation on “The Potential Contribution of LENR in Resolving the World’s Energy Problems.” Robert Godes, the President and Chief Technology Officer of Brillouin Energy, will make a presentation on their technical results and also participate in the theory panel.’

NASA in the News Again

NASA is in the news again with some commentary on the Widom-Larsen ultra-low-momentum neutron theory of low-energy nuclear reactions. It seems the growing pressure to be the first success story for LENR as an alternative energy source is creating some interesting dynamics among the various competitors.

NASA and the Widom-Larsen group, who are working on commercialization of LENR, have had quite the history. The following article details the unfolding drama.
NASA and Widom-Larsen Theory: Inside Story