Profile: Dr. Ludwick Kowalski

The amount of Cold Fusion and LENR information waiting to be discovered on the Internet never ceases to amaze me. There is a seemingly inexhaustible supply of knowledge for a field so easily dismissed as pseudoscience.
Dr. Ludwick Kowalski is a Polish-American physicist and professor emeritus of Montclair State University in Montclair, New Jersey. It’s worth noting he is a U.S. immigrant and Holocaust survivor. Dr. Kowalski is a wonderful and brilliant author and has commented extensively on LENR and below are a few links to some of his fine works.
Cold Fusion Historical Fueds A View By Kowalski
Cold Fusion Folder
Wikipedia Page

Maine Company Touts Cold Fusion Customers

In the following article from Mainebiz, MEGA Industries, a Gorham, Maine, USA based manufacturer of high-power microwave components, boasts of record sales and adding jobs and a customer base consisting of national laboratories “doing research on new ways of generating energy using cold fusion.”
The article also discusses a very specific client base including Raytheon and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Michigan State University, the Oakridge National Laboratory, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford and the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center.
It’s interesting to note the direct effect this is having on job creation and more than hints that LENR research may be experiencing a new rebirth.
Read the full article.

Recoil Assisted Low Energy Nuclear Reactions

Low energy nuclear processes that are strongly hindered by Coulomb repulsion between the reacting nuclei, are investigated in solid environment. It is shown that the hindering effect may be significantly weakened (practically it disappears) if one takes into account the Coulomb interaction of one of the reacting particles with the surroundings. … Low energy nuclear reactions allowed by recoil assistance and leading to nuclear transmutations are partly overviewed. Critical analysis of Fleischmann-Pons type low energy nuclear reaction experiments is presented too.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Institute of Physics, Budafoki ut 8. F., H-1521 Budapest, Hungary

Clean Disruption

In the below video, Tony Seba makes the persuasive case that traditional energy and transportation will be obsolete in the next 15 years. In fact, a recent article makes the case progress is happening much faster than Mr. Seba’s presentation from March of 2016. Advances in solar energy, battery storage and possibly LENR are set to disrupt the status quo.
Indeed, Eos Energy Storage, the maker of zinc air battery technology, has recently announced a partnership with Siemens for performance guarantees supporting up to 20 years of continuous operation. Eos is claiming costs of $160 per usable kWh (at 40 MWh volume purchases). This is already at costs well below the scale cost projections for lithium ion batteries and EOS batteries come with the benefit of zinc being benign and not combustible.

The Hydrino

We’ve post a few articles on Randell Mills and Brilliant Light Power, formerly Black Light Power and the hydrino theory.  If their reported progress is real, Mills and BLP may indeed be the most promising alternative energy to watch.
LENR may be tangental to Mills’ research or perhaps the LENR effect is being confused with the waste heat produced by Mills’ hydrino formation theory.  The basic theory is that through a chemical reaction, a hydrogen atom can be altered to a different state where the electron drops into a lower energy state and the resulting excess binding energy is released as light and x-rays which can be harvested through photovoltaic cells.

Deuteron Disintegration In Condensed Matter

The debacle that resulted from the 1989 announcements of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons at the University of Utah had quite a negative affect on cold fusion and LENR research. Many would say it became career suicide in academia to be a proponent of LENR research.
Dr. George Miley and associates at the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign have bucked this trend. Dr. Magdi Ragheb, Associate Professor of the Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, has incorporated some LENR discussion into his course, Nuclear Power Engineering 402. In fact, an essay entitled Deuteron Disintegration In Condensed Matter, gives a good overview of some of the competing LENR technologies and theories out there.
We commend this type of exposure and education to our future nuclear engineers and academics.  One of these students just might lead the way to developing commercial or useful fusion – LENR technology.  Good luck on the midterms!

JCMNS: Experiments and Methods in Cold Fusion


This Volume 22 marks the tenth anniversary of the publication of the first volume of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. This journal was created to fill a void in the scientific world. Since the beginning, in 1989, the subject of Cold Fusion, discovered by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, has been, and is still, rejected by the scientific community. There was a need to go beyond the International Conferences on Cold Fusion proceedings to publish papers. It was necessary to have an internal way of communicating between scientists working together, just like in any other field of science. From the very start, it was decided that the journal would be peer reviewed. Also, since ICCF16, the Journal publishes the proceedings of the conferences and workshops dedicated to Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. A total of 312 papers have been published, 93 of them being conference proceedings.

Download here.
This journal features articles from Mitchell Swartz and Peter Hagelstein, among others.

Industrial Heat and Boeing Reportedly Tested E-Cat

A purported Industrial Heat investor and insider has revealed that The Boeing Company and IH were under a NDA to test Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat technology. Boeing has also surfaced in recent court documents pertaining to a protective order.
Boeing has long been reported as being interested in LENR and has applied for patents in the past. They have also been working on a Boeing Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft, which may someday make use of LENR powered engines.

Condensed Plasmoids Theory

In an article called “Condensed Plasmoids – The Intermediate State of LENR“, submitted for the ICCF-20 proceedings in late 2016, Lutz Jaitner, expounds on a theory for LENR from the theoretical findings of researchers such as Ken Shoulders and Edward H. Lewis.
The theory opines “atoms can enter a previously unknown state of matter, in which they behave like ball lightning, and which is an intermediate state of the LENR reaction. Nuclei and the electrons are moving rapidly in opposite directions along the plasma wire which results in a strong electric current through the wire, pinching the plasma thin via its strong magnetic field. This enables nuclear reactions between the ions via strong electronic screening of the Coulomb barrier and via self-amplifying longitudinal density oscillations of the plasma.”
The author’s site is worth checking out.